Tuesday, February 17, 2009

(N.Y. Times) Gov't Stimulus Bill to fund research comparing treatments‏

According to the N.Y. Times the Obama stimulus bill will provide over a billion dollars in research funds to compare medical treatments including psychotherapy.

"The stimulus bill will, for the first time, provide substantial financing for the government to compare different treatments for the same illness.....

...Under the legislation, researchers will receive $1.1 billion to compare drugs, medical devices, surgery and other ways of treating specific conditions. The bill creates a council of up to 15 federal employees to coordinate the research and to advise President Obama and Congress on how to spend the money....

...Dr. Elliott S. Fisher of Dartmouth Medical School said the federal effort would help researchers try to answer questions like these:

...What is the best combination of “talk therapy” and prescription drugs to treat mild depression?

Read the story below.

New York Times
U.S. to Compare Medical Treatments

WASHINGTON — The $787 billion economic stimulus bill approved by Congress will, for the first time, provide substantial amounts of money for the federal government to compare the effectiveness of different treatments for the same illness.....


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